Preliminary Findings & Publications
What we have discovered so far
What we discovered in our initial environmental scan
We have done an environmental scan to identify social work employers across Alberta. This has included employers from every sector, including for profit, non-profit, public and private sectors, and some in between. We have also developed a data bank of hiring criteria identified in current job descriptions posted by these agencies, including skills.
From the scan we have discovered:
- There are over 800 organizations in Alberta that employ social workers.
- These organizations span rural and urban settings, and are represented by public, non-profit, and private organizations.
- There were over 200 job listings for social workers at the time of our scan.
- 22% of job descriptions asked specifically for a Registered Social Worker (RSW).
- The levels of education required varied across job postings.
- Social justice was mentioned in only 10% of job postings; advocacy was mentioned as a duty in only 11% of jobs.
- The average starting salary for jobs requiring an MSW was $44.22 / hour, there was a $10 difference for jobs requiring a BSW, and a $20 difference for jobs requiring diplomas.