Angelique Jenney

Associate Professor

Calgary Campus

Wood's Homes Research Chair

Calgary Campus


University of Toronto


Wilfrid Laurier University

BA Honours Psychology Co-op Program with Family and Social Relations Minor

University of Guelph

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Program

Institute for Advancement in Self Psychology

Contact information


MacKimmie Tower : MT440

Research and teaching

Research areas

  • Trauma and Violence
  • Infant, Children and Adolescents
  • Health, Mental Health and Wellness
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Practice Approaches

Research and Scholarly Activity

Dr. Jenney’s research and program development has been devoted to understanding and responding to the impact of violence in families. Her research and practice interests include: family-based interventions for childhood trauma; child protection responses to family violence cases; the experience of mothering in the context of violence/trauma; and the use of simulation in reflective approaches to teaching and training social work students.

Professional and Community Associations

  • 2020 - Member, National Infant & Early Mental Health Hub Leadership Team, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
  • 2020 - ACSW Clinical Committee, Faculty of Social Work, Calgary, AB
  • 2019 - Consultation for the Office of the Child and Youth advocate (death review report), Edmonton, AB.
  • 2018 - ACSW Discipline Committee, Calgary, AB
  • 2018 - Wood’s Homes Research Advisory Committee, Calgary, AB
  • 2018 - Member of Calgary Counselling Centre’s Provincial Research Advisory Committee, Calgary, AB
  • 2017 - Member of Connections First Project Advisory Committee, Calgary, AB
  • 2017 - Member of Research Initiatives Group (research partnership hub between AHS CAAMHPPs programming and U of C researchers specializing in mental health/psychiatry), Calgary, AB


Angelique Jenney, PhD, RSW, is an Assistant Professor and the Wood’s Homes Research Chair in Children’s Mental Health in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary. Wood’s Homes is a multi-service, non-profit children’s mental health centre based in Calgary. Dr. Jenney has over 20 years’ experience in intervention and prevention services within the child protection, children’s mental health and violence against women sectors.


Publications from 2015-Present

Thomas-Skaf, B. A., & Jenney, A. (2020). Bringing social justice into focus: 'Trauma-informed' work with children with disabilities. Child Care in Practice.

Lateef, R., & Jenney, A. (2020). Understanding sexually victimized male adolescents with sexually abusive behaviours: A narrative review and clinical implications. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Frampton, N. M. A., Jenney, A., & Shaw, J. (2020). Implementation of practice-based research in social work education. Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, 4, 96-100.

Jenney, A. (2020). When relationships are the trigger: The paradox of safety and connection in child and youth care. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 37(2), 94-107.

Jenney, A., & Kulkarni, C. (2020). More than just ghosts in the nursery: Understanding how the presence of violence and trauma in the lives of infants and young children impact on parenting and child development. In R. Alaggia & C. Vine (Eds.), Cruel but not unusual: Violence in Canadian families (3rd ed.). Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Baird, S. L., Alaggia, R., & Jenney, A. (2019). “Like opening up old wounds”: Conceptualizing intersectional trauma among survivors of intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Jenney, A. (2019). Keeping the child in mind when thinking about violence in families. In W. Bunston & S. Jones (Eds.), Supporting vulnerable babies and young children: Interventions for working with trauma, mental health, illness and other complex challenges. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Jenney, A., & Alaggia, R. (2018). The impact of exposure to IPV on children and youth: Considering strategies for cultivating resilience. In W. DeKeseredy, C. M. Rennison, & A. K. Sanchez (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of violence studies. Taylor and Francis Ltd.

Jenney, A., & Exner-Cortens, D. (2018). Toxic masculinity and mental health in young women: An analysis of 13 Reasons Why. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 33(3), 410-417.

Lieggio, M., Delay, D. C. J., & Jenney, A. (2018). Challenging social work epistemology in children’s mental health: The connections between evidence-based practice and young people’s psychiatrization. British Journal of Social Work, 49(5), 1180-1197.

Wall, M. A., Jenney, A., & Walsh, M. (2018). Conducting evaluation research with children exposed to violence: How technological innovations in methodologies and data collection may enhance the process. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 85, 202-208.

Alaggia R., Maiter, S., & Jenney, A. (2017). In whose words? Struggles and strategies of service providers working with immigrant clients with limited language abilities in the violence against women sector and child protection services. Child & Family Social Work, 22(1), 472-481.

Jenney, A., Alaggia, R., & Niepage, M. (2016). “The lie is that it’s not going to get better”: Narratives of resilience from childhood exposure to intimate partner violence. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 4(1), 64-76.

Alaggia, R., Gadalla, T. M., Shlonsky, A., Jenney, A., & Daciuk, J. (2015). Does differential response make a difference: Examining domestic violence cases in child protection services. Child & Family Social Work, 20(1), 83-95.

Media Work

Alaggia, R. (Host). (2020, September 21). Dr. Angelique Jenney: Infant mental health is real and needs to be nurtured (Episode 3) [Audio podcast episode]. In Raising resilient children in a pandemic: What parents need to know now.

Logie, C. (Host). (2020, September 1). Dr. Angelique Jenney: Children's mental health stigma & embracing our emotions (Season 3, Episode 5) [Audio podcast episode]. In Everybody hates me: Let's talk about stigma.

CASA Mental Health. (2020, February 25). Children in care and mental health, with Dr. Angelique Jenney | CASA Dr. Roger Bland Lecture Series [Video]. YouTube.

VAW Learning Network. (2019, March 25). Safe & Understood [Video]. YouTube.

Labby, B. (2020, March 6). Surviving her sister's murder: Calgary woman tries to make a difference. CBC News.

Herperger, L. (2018, September 26). Good beginnings for mental health start in the cradle. UToday Newsletter.