Student Services

Questions about admission, program delivery, or anything in between? We're here to help!


Reach out by phone, email, or book an appointment below.

In-person by appointment only

Email Us

Include your UCID if you have one.

We'll respond to your email within 5 business days in the order received and/or based on priority.

Call us

General inquiries

Calgary campus: +1 (403) 220-5942

Edmonton campus: +1 (780) 492-3888

Lethbridge campus: +1 (403) 329-2794

Have several questions? Include them in one email, and avoid sending emails to multiple people as it slows down our response time.

Undergraduate Advisors

If you've recently been admitted and paid your deposit, we'll be sending you registration information soon!

BSW Blended Calgary

Jennifer Jantzi
+1 (403) 220-3883

Book an appointment

BSW Blended Edmonton

Nicole Dube
+1 (780) 492-2083
Toll Free: 1-888-492-2083

Book an appointment

BSW Blended Lethbridge

Patti-Jo Aiken
+1 (403) 329-2794
Toll Free: 1-866-329-2794

Book an appointment

BSW Online

David Boggs
+1 (403) 220-5430
Toll Free: 1-877-282-0667
Book an appointment

Patti-Jo Aiken
+1 (403) 329-2794
Toll Free: 1-866-329-2794
Book an appointment

Nicole Dube
+1 (780) 492-2083
Toll Free: 1-888-492-2083
Book an appointment

Jennifer Jantzi
+1 (403) 220-3883
Book an appointment

Graduate Advisors


Ann Chen
+1 (403) 220-6208
Toll Free: 1-877-220-6945
Book an appointment

Nicole Dube
+1 (780) 492-2083
Toll Free: 1-888-492-2083
Book an appointment

Nicole MacDougall
+1 (403) 220-3489
Book an appointment

Graduate Certificates | MSW Laddering

Nicole MacDougall
+1 (403) 220-3489

Book an appointment


Ann Chen
+1 (403) 220-6208
Toll Free: 1-877-220-6945

Book an appointment

  1. Student Services Team Lead

    Kristen Raimundo (on leave)

    Barb Howe 
    +1 (403) 220-6945

  2. Manager of Student Services

    Maria Soos

    +1 (403) 220-4694