MSW Thesis

MSW Thesis

Working with a supervisor

You are initially assigned an interim supervisor. By December of year one, you must identify a faculty member as permanent supervisor. Contact Student Services to complete an Appointment of Supervisor form.

Expectations Checklist

Set expectations and define responsibilities for yourself and your supervisor to get through your degree. Submit the signed checklist to Student Services.

This mandatory checklist must be submitted to Student Services within two months of working with your supervisor.

Student-Supervisor Checklist

Intellectual Property

Understand how the Intellectual Property policy applies to your work. Submit the signed checklist to Student Services.

This mandatory checklist must be submitted to Student Services within two months of working with your supervisor.

Intellectual Property Checklist

Annual Progress Report

Each winter term you must complete an Annual Progress Report with your supervisor to monitor your progress and set goals for the upcoming year.

Annual Progress Report

What you need to know about working with your supervisor: A best practices guide

Completing your program

Take required courses

You must complete all required courses: four courses in advanced social work practice, four specialization courses, and two thesis research courses.

Get curriculum plan

Get your proposal approved

Your research proposal must be approved by your supervisor before you apply for ethics certification.

Obtain ethics approval

All research involving human participants, animals or biohazards must first be reviewed and approved.

Approval Process

Write your thesis

Review the Faculty of Graduate Studies step-by-step guide on what to do before, during and after building your thesis

Build your thesis

Interested in a Manuscript-based Thesis? Learn more

The maximum completion time is 48 months (4 years). Expected completion times:

  1. Clinical Social Work Practice


    • 24 months for students with a BSW
    • 36 months for students with a non-BSW degree

    Edmonton | Online

    • 36 months for students with a BSW
    • 48 months for students with a non-BSW degree
  2. International and Community Development

    • 36 months for students with a BSW
    • 48 months for students with a non-BSW degree