Strategic Priority: Equity, Racial Justice, Decolonization & Inclusive Excellence
Milestone: Canadian Muslim Youth Research Project
It’s often not easy to be a young Muslim in Canada. Cinematic stereotypes and global conflicts lead to racism and daily micro-aggressions for more than one million Muslims in Canada. Against this backdrop, Dr. Aamir Jamal was interested in exploring how Muslim youth construct and maintain their identities in Canada. The resulting national research project, Canadian Muslim Youth: Identity in the Context of Global Conflicts, created an amazing space for youth to share their experience and foster understanding with a series of digital stories that is creating a buzz across Canada.
Dr. Jamal and the research team are currently analyzing the interviews they’ve collected from Muslim students, religious and community leaders, social workers, therapists, and parents since 2019. Their findings will guide recommendations to government, policymakers, NGOs and the wider Muslim community in Canada.

I would say that these young people have a profound sense of Canadian citizenship. They consider themselves active citizens of this country, and they are aware that their religious understanding is different in many ways from their parents’ and earlier generations. They seek leadership and community that reflects these identities.
Dr. Aamir Jamal
Jamal and the research team are currently analyzing the interviews they’ve collected from Muslim students, religious and community leaders, social workers, therapists, and parents since 2019. Their findings will guide recommendations to government, policymakers, NGOs and the wider Muslim community in Canada.

Milestone: Dr. Regine King helps to inform City of Calgary Anti-Racism Strategy
In 2022 The City of Calgary released its Anti-Racism Strategic Plan. The plan was developed with extensive consultation with the community and followed a scoping review of promising anti-racism practices. Dr. Regine King an associate professor with the Faculty of Social Work, was the lead researcher for the review.
“Racism has long been understood to be a key social determinant of health. Things like housing, education, income, employment, food security and justice drive health inequities across the country,” says King, who is also a member of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health.
Another connection to our faculty in the City’s plan comes through alum Dr. Linda Kongnetiman, PhD, who is the managing lead of The City of Calgary Anti-Racism Program.
FSW Participates in Lethbridge Pride Parade

Megan Fester (MSW student), Terri Saunders (alumna, former FI, retired Social Worker), Serena Visser and Emery Visser
Milestone: Creating a Culture of Respect
The Faculty of Social Work Queer and Trans Action Group, created by students, alumni, faculty and staff, aims to raise awareness and cultivate respect for all gender identities and sexualities. The group is leading initiatives such as examining the intersections of gender and sexuality in the curriculum. They have also hosted several successful workshops, including five online sessions with the Centre for Sexuality for the entire university community. This spring, the group obtained funding from the UCalgary Teaching Academy for a research project to improve instructors' understanding and skills related to LGBTQ2S+ issues in the classroom.