Smiling female university student in classroom

BSW Program Specific Questions

Before you begin

Your GPA counts for 50 of the 100 points assessed by the Admissions Committee, the Program Specific Questions account for the other 50 points. This means that what you share and how you share it are equally important as your grade point average (GPA).

Listen to the audio


What is Social Work and what do social workers do?

Review the Canadian Association for Social Workers (CASW) background information on the profession and role of social workers.

Learn more

What is the Social Work Code of Ethics?

The Code of Ethics provides a consistent set of values, principles and standards of conduct for all social workers across Canada.

CASW Code of Ethics

What are the Standards of Practice?

The Standards of Practice outline the minimum standards all social workers practising in Alberta are expected to meet.

ACSW Standards of Practice

What are the program specific questions?


Our program is committed to creating a welcoming, respectful and thriving environment for students with diverse backgrounds and experiences. You are invited to reflect on who you are as a person, your lived experiences and your life influences, and discuss how they have contributed to your pursuit of social work education.

400 word maximum

  • How did you grow up? Did it affect your perspective or values?
  • What relationships with others have influenced you and your values/beliefs about people?
  • Did your geographical location (urban,rural, international) influence you?
  • What life lessons are you bringing forward with you?
  • Are there challenging situations or experiences that have impacted you?
  • Be as specific as possible
  • Provide concrete examples of your background and lived experiences
  • Examples: privilege, oppression, ethnic, socioeconomic, racial, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and cultural differences


Tell us about your community engagement, an issue you are most concerned about, and what you think are the root causes or contributing factors to the identified issue.

400 word maximum

  • What are your observations about the struggles in your community?
  • What is your sense of personal security and belonging in your community?
  • What messages are community leaders providing?
  • What do you believe is the primary cause of the issue in your community?
  • Is the issue becoming larger, smaller, or remaining the same over the last 5 years?
  • Any ideas and/or solutions to address the issue in your community?
  • Provide specific details/examples of how you have been involved in your community.
  • Give thought to different activities, volunteering, events, acts of social justice (petitions, marches, letter writing, etc.)
  • Why is it an issue for community members?
  • Review the Canadian Social Determinants of Health
  • Why does it exist?
  • Link the social issue to social work.


What do you hope to develop in our social work program and how do you see your future practice as a professional social worker?

400 word maximum

  • What are your personal strengths?
  • What are your professional strengths?
  • What are areas for improvement both personally and professionally?
  • Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?
  • How will you create positive change?
  • How will you advance social justice?
  • What skills, knowledge, and areas of growth are you hoping to develop in your BSW journey?
  • How will you be able to contribute to positive change and social justice with a BSW?
  • Share your vision and provide ideas of what you will do with a professional social work degree.

Write your answer

Clear & concise

Write clearly about how your experiences, values, and personal self connect to pursuing social work education.

Be succinct. Do not repeat yourself.

First Person

Write in the first person, using “I” statements.

Correct errors

Review your writing for errors (spelling, sentence structure, grammar, etc.).


The committee wants to know who you are and why you want to become a social worker!