Women in a meeting- University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work

Become a field instructor

Find out more about the benefits of supervising a practicum student.


Field instruction is the heart of social work education – and we can't do it without you! 

Becoming a field instructor offers personal and professional benefits, including the contributions that students offer your organization. You'll have the opportunity to shape someone's life and career, while giving back to the profession by providing your wisdom and professional guidance. Field instructors need to be Registered Social Workers. You must also have either a BSW or an MSW. 

Benefits of becoming a field instructor

20 Credits

For starters, field instructors are eligible for 20 Category ‘A’ ACSW continuing competency credits.

"Hello professor"

You'll be able to put the title Adjunct Professor (Field Education) on your resume, reflecting the fact that you are a partner in our student's education. 

Research just got easier

Field instructors are given access to the University of Calgary online journals and library. 


As a token of our appreciation, we're also happy to offer discounts for some of our Category A professional development workshops

What is required to support a student:

  • Provide an agency orientation, setting expectations for the student’s role and offering a space for the student to work 
  • Supervise the student for a minimum of 1 hour for every 15 hours in practicum. Supervision needs to be from someone holding a social work credential and it may be possible to partner students with external co-supervisors who hold the social work credential if needed 
  • Contribute to the student’s Learning Agreement and participating in the mid-term and final evaluation meetings and processes 
Smiling woman working on a lap top, University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work Field Education

What do field instructors do?

The role of a field instructor includes:


Drawing on your professional experience and knowledge, you'll provide guidance and feedback and teach students to integrate social work knowledge, skills and values into social work practice. You're expected to provide the student a minimum of one hour of supervision for every 15 placement hours.

Ensure Quality

Besides teaching, you'll also ensure that your student is providing quality service to your organization. 



As the field instructor, you'll play an important part in evaluating student's performance and progress.


You'll make sure that proper administration is done to document the placement and to track the student's progress.

Filed Education

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