Dora Tam


Calgary Campus

Ph.D. (Social Work)

University of Calgary


University of Manitoba

Postgraduate Dip in SW

Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Diploma in SW

City University of Hong Kong

Contact information



MacKimmie Tower : MT404

Research and teaching

Research areas

  • Infant, Children and Adolescents
  • Immigrant, Refugee, Ethno-Cultural, and Racialized Groups
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • International

Selected Research:

Tam, D.M.Y., Smith-Carrier, T., Kwok, S.M., Kerr, D., & Wang, J. (Forthcoming). Challenges Encountered by Newcomers with Disabilities in Canada: An Illustration of the Ontario Disability Support Program. Canadian Journal of Disability Study.

Tam, D.M.Y., Green S.P., Paz, E., and Lavigne, B.D. (Eds.). (2020). Building community: Case book for mobilizing community practice in Canada (2nd edition). The Authors.

Ashbourne, L.M., Tam, D.M.Y., Al Jamal, A., Baobaid, M., & Badahdah, A. (2020). Arab families’ stories of migration from war zones: Gender roles and family relations in flux. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.

Tam, D.M.Y., Brown, A., Paz, E., Birnbaum, R., Kwok, S. M. (2018). Challenges Faced by Canadian Social Work Field Instructors in Field Supervision. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 38(4), 398-416.

Tam, D.M.Y., Chow, E., Lou, A., Chan, Y.C., Lee, T.Y., & Kwok, S.M., (2018). Examining the Psychometrics of the Professional Suitability Scale for Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, 00. 1-22. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcy009

Kerr, D., Smith-Carrier, T., Wang, J., Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2017). Population Aging and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 6(4), 34-55. 

Smith-Carrier, T., Kerr, D., Wang, J., Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2017). Vestiges of the Medical Model: An exploration of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Disability and Society. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1359495

Kwok, S.M.  & Tam, D. M.Y. (2017). The experiences of Chinese youth in drug treatment programs in Vancouver, British Columbia. In R. Csiernik & W.S. Rowe (eds.) Responding to the Oppression of Addiction: Canadian Social Work Perspectives (3rd edition) (pp.281 – 294). Toronto: Canadian Scholars.

Kwok, S.M., Tam, D.M.Y., & Hanes, R. (2016). An Exploratory Study into Social Welfare Policies and Social Service Delivery Models for People with Disabilities in China. Global Social Welfare Journal. DOI 10.1007/s40609-016-0077-x

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., Paz, E., & Green S.P. (Eds.). (2016). Building community: Case book for mobilizing community practice in Canada. London, Ontario.

Tam, D.M.Y., Schleicher, K., Wu, W., Kwok, S.M., Thurston, W.E., & Dawson, M., (2016). Social work interventions on intimate partner violence against women in China. Journal of Social Work, 16(2), 228-249. DOI: 10.1177/1468017314568745

Tam, D.M.Y., Tutty, L., Zhuang, Z.H., & Paz, E. (2015). Racial minority women and criminal justice responses to domestic violence. Journal of Family Violence. DOI 10.1007/s10896-015-9794-7

Thurston, W.E., Tam, D.M.Y., Dawson, M., Jackson, M., & Kwok, S.M. (2014). The intersection of gender and other social institutions in constructing interpersonal violence in Guangzhou China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 10.1177/0886260514556109.

Tam, D.M.Y., Twigg, R. C., Boey, K-W., & Kwok, S.M. (2013). Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the Professional Suitability Scale for Social Work Practice. Research in Social Work Practice, 23(4), 467-478.  

Tam, D.M.Y., Dawson, M., Jackson, M., Kwok, S.M., & Thurston, W.E.  (2013). Comparing Criminal Justice Responses to Violence Against Women in Canada and China. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 23(2), 106-120.

Tam, D.M.Y., Dawson, M., Jackson, M., Kwok, S.M., & Thurston, W.E. (2012). Community Responses to Domestic Violence in China: Implications to Prevention and Intervention Work for publication on the Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 46(1/2), 43-61.  

Tam, D.M.Y., Coleman, H., & Boey, K.-W. (2012). Professional suitability for social work practice: A factor analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 22(2), 227-239.

Kwok, S. M. & Tam, D.M.Y. (2012). An Overview of the Bifurcation of Youth Justice Policy in Canada. Youth Exploration (in Chinese), 6, 82- 88.

Tam, D.M.Y. & Coleman, H. (2011). Validation Study on Gatekeeping Attitudes Index. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 31(5), 1-18.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2011). Challenges of appraising intangible outcomes with unclear objectives: Performance management issues in local government in Ontario. Public Organization Review, 11(3), 297-306.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2010a). Chinese Immigrant Youth Justice System in Canada. Canadian Social Work Journal, 12(1), 114 – 122.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2010b), Re-thinking the role of municipal governments in provincial social assistance programs in Canada. Journal of Policy Practice, 9, 69 – 79.

Tam, D.M.Y. & Coleman, H. (2009a). Defining Criteria on Professional Suitability for Social Work Practice.  Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 14(2), 105 - 121.

Tam, D.M.Y. & Coleman, H. (2009b). Construction and validation of the professional suitability for social work practice scale. Journal of Social Work Education, 45(1), 47-63.

Tam, D.M.Y.; Kwok, S.M.; Wu, W.; Law, A.K.C.; & Chan, Y.C. (2009). Support Systems of Abused Women under the Changing Economy in China. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3(10), 180-191.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2008). Delinquency of Asian youth in Canada. In M, Wallis, & S.M. Kwok (Eds.), The racialization of poverty: Focus on race and gender in Canada pp.197 – 208. Toronto: Canada Scholars’ Press.


Social Work is a helping profession, which is committed to the betterment and social justice for all. As a social work educator, Dora strongly believes that social work programs should prepare graduates to become evidence-informed practitioners. Dora’s research interest includes social work education and field education; understanding and assessing professional suitability for social work practice; scale development; program evaluation; violence against women issues; and diversity issues in social work practice and research. Dora is also a leading mobilizer of Canada-China academic exchange for advancing social work education, teaching, and practice in both countries. 


Recent Publications:

Tam, D.M.Y., Smith-Carrier, T., Kwok, S.M., Kerr, D., & Wang, J. (Forthcoming). Challenges Encountered by Newcomers with Disabilities in Canada: An Illustration of the Ontario Disability Support Program. Canadian Journal of Disability Study.

Tam, D.M.Y., Green S.P., Paz, E., and Lavigne, B.D. (Eds.). (2020). Building community: Case book for mobilizing community practice in Canada (2nd edition). The Authors.

Ashbourne, L.M., Tam, D.M.Y., Al Jamal, A., Baobaid, M., & Badahdah, A. (2020). Arab families’ stories of migration from war zones: Gender roles and family relations in flux. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, Link to this article:

Tam, D.M.Y., Brown, A., Paz, E., Birnbaum, R., Kwok, S. M. (2018). Challenges Faced by Canadian Social Work Field Instructors in Field Supervision. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 38(4), 398-416.

Tam, D.M.Y., Chow, E., Lou, A., Chan, Y.C., Lee, T.Y., & Kwok, S.M., (2018). Examining the Psychometrics of the Professional Suitability Scale for Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, 00. 1-22. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcy009

Kerr, D., Smith-Carrier, T., Wang, J., Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2017). Population Aging and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 6(4), 34-55. 

Smith-Carrier, T., Kerr, D., Wang, J., Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2017). Vestiges of the Medical Model: An exploration of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Disability and Society. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1359495

Kwok, S.M.  & Tam, D. M.Y. (2017). The experiences of Chinese youth in drug treatment programs in Vancouver, British Columbia. In R. Csiernik & W.S. Rowe (eds.) Responding to the Oppression of Addiction: Canadian Social Work Perspectives (3rd edition) (pp.281 – 294). Toronto: Canadian Scholars.

Kwok, S.M., Tam, D.M.Y., & Hanes, R. (2016). An Exploratory Study into Social Welfare Policies and Social Service Delivery Models for People with Disabilities in China. Global Social Welfare Journal. DOI 10.1007/s40609-016-0077-x

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., Paz, E., & Green S.P. (Eds.). (2016). Building community: Case book for mobilizing community practice in Canada. London, Ontario.

Tam, D.M.Y., Schleicher, K., Wu, W., Kwok, S.M., Thurston, W.E., & Dawson, M., (2016). Social work interventions on intimate partner violence against women in China. Journal of Social Work, 16(2), 228-249. DOI: 10.1177/1468017314568745

Tam, D.M.Y., Tutty, L., Zhuang, Z.H., & Paz, E. (2015). Racial minority women and criminal justice responses to domestic violence. Journal of Family Violence. DOI 10.1007/s10896-015-9794-7

Thurston, W.E., Tam, D.M.Y., Dawson, M., Jackson, M., & Kwok, S.M. (2014). The intersection of gender and other social institutions in constructing interpersonal violence in Guangzhou China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 10.1177/0886260514556109.

Tam, D.M.Y., Twigg, R. C., Boey, K-W., & Kwok, S.M. (2013). Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the Professional Suitability Scale for Social Work Practice. Research in Social Work Practice, 23(4), 467-478.  

Tam, D.M.Y., Dawson, M., Jackson, M., Kwok, S.M., & Thurston, W.E.  (2013). Comparing Criminal Justice Responses to Violence Against Women in Canada and China. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 23(2), 106-120.

Tam, D.M.Y., Dawson, M., Jackson, M., Kwok, S.M., & Thurston, W.E. (2012). Community Responses to Domestic Violence in China: Implications to Prevention and Intervention Work for publication on the Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 46(1/2), 43-61.  

Tam, D.M.Y., Coleman, H., & Boey, K.-W. (2012). Professional suitability for social work practice: A factor analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 22(2), 227-239.

Kwok, S. M. & Tam, D.M.Y. (2012). An Overview of the Bifurcation of Youth Justice Policy in Canada. Youth Exploration (in Chinese), 6, 82- 88.

Tam, D.M.Y. & Coleman, H. (2011). Validation Study on Gatekeeping Attitudes Index. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 31(5), 1-18.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2011). Challenges of appraising intangible outcomes with unclear objectives: Performance management issues in local government in Ontario. Public Organization Review, 11(3), 297-306.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2010a). Chinese Immigrant Youth Justice System in Canada. Canadian Social Work Journal, 12(1), 114 – 122.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2010b), Re-thinking the role of municipal governments in provincial social assistance programs in Canada. Journal of Policy Practice, 9, 69 – 79.

Tam, D.M.Y. & Coleman, H. (2009a). Defining Criteria on Professional Suitability for Social Work Practice.  Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 14(2), 105 - 121.

Tam, D.M.Y. & Coleman, H. (2009b). Construction and validation of the professional suitability for social work practice scale. Journal of Social Work Education, 45(1), 47-63.

Tam, D.M.Y.; Kwok, S.M.; Wu, W.; Law, A.K.C.; & Chan, Y.C. (2009). Support Systems of Abused Women under the Changing Economy in China. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3(10), 180-191.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2008). Delinquency of Asian youth in Canada. In M, Wallis, & S.M. Kwok (Eds.), The racialization of poverty: Focus on race and gender in Canada pp.197 – 208. Toronto: Canada Scholars’ Press.


Selected Conference Presentations:

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., & Li, J. (July 2020). Roles of educational programs and professional bodies for the development of social work in China. Paper presented at the IFSW Social Work Global Agenda: Co-Building Social Transformation Online Conference. July 15 – 19, 2020.

Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (June 2020). Back to basic: Undergraduate Social Work Education. Paper presented at the International (online) Conference on Discovery and Innovation in Social Work and Fieldwork Education, Hong Kong, June 19, 2020.

Hung S., & Tam, D.M.Y. (June 2019). From Homeless to Housing: From Shame to Dignity. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Outreach Work 2019, Hong Kong. June 10 – 13, 2019.

Kwok, S.M., Tam, D.M.Y., Smith-Carrier, T., Kerr, D., & Wang, J. (June 2019). Challenges Encountered by Newcomers with Disabilities in Canada.  Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education. Regina, SA. June 3 – 6, 2019.

Savard, L., Fox, B., Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok S.M. (June 2019). Educating Next Generation of Professional Suited Social Work Practitioner-Researchers.  Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education. Vancouver, BC. June 3 – 6, 2019.

Tam, D.M.Y., Streeter, C., Robertson, J., Birnbaum, R., Kondrashov, O., & Kwok, S.M. (July 2018). Ensuring Professional Suitability for Social Work Practice: Hearing from the Educational, Practice, and Regulatory Sectors. Paper presented at Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development in Dublin, Ireland.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (July 2018). Practice Model for Chinese Youth in Conflict with the Law in Canada. Paper presented at Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development in Dublin, Ireland.

Fox, B., Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (May 2018). Inclusion in BSW Admission: The Need for Change. Paper presentation at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education. Regina, SA. May 2018.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (May 2018). Identifying Promising Practice for Chinese Youth in Conflict with the Law in Canada.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education. Regina, SA. May 2018.

Tam, D.M.Y., Streeter, C. Robertson, J., Kondrashov, O., Birnbaum, R., & Kwok, S.M. (Jan 2018). Voices from Different Stakeholders related to the Assessment on Professional Suitability for Social Work. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research 22nd Annual Conference in Washington, DC between Jan 12 and Jan 15, 2018.

Ashbourne, L., Baobaid, M., Al Jamal, A., Tam, D.M.Y., & Badahdah, A., (Nov 2017). Fleeing Conflict Zones and Glboal Migration: Effects on Family Relationships. National Council on Family Relations 79th Annual Conference, Orlando Florida, Nov 15-18, 2017.

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., Visser, S., & Brown, A. (Nov 2017). Determinants for Healthy Development: A comparison between Racialized and Non-racialized Youth. Paper presented at the Canadian Research Data Centre Networks 2017 Annual Conference, Montreal, QC, Nov 14-15, 2017.

Baobaid, M., Badahdah, A., Ashbourne, L., Al Jamal, A. & Tam, D.M.Y. (Aug 2017). Arab Families Stories of migration from War Zones: Gender and Family Roles in Flux. Paper presented at the 2017 Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting in Montreal, Quebec.

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., Schindler, J., McMulkin, M., & Lin, Z. (May 2017). Beyond Class Teaching: Developing Social Work Identify through an Academic Exchange Project. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education at the Ryerson University.

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., & Wu, W. (Dec 2016). Law against domestic violence in China: An overview from an intersectionality framework. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference: Transforming Social Welfare & Social Work in China at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou China, Dec 17-18, 2016.

Baobaid, M., Badahdah, A., Ashbourne, L., Tam, D.M.Y., Al Jamal, A., & Atalla, S. (Oct 2016). Pre and Post Migration Stressors and Marital Relations among Arab Refugee Families in Canada. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on The Impact of Wars and Conflicts on Arab Families, Doha, Qatar, Oct 17-18, 2016

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., Streeter, C., Rensink-Dexter, J., & Schindler, J. (2016 June). Collaboration among Education, Practice and Regulation Sectors on the Assessment of Professional Suitability for Social Work Practice in Canada. Paper accepted to the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development in Seoul, Korea, June 2016.

Kwok, S.M., Tam, D.M.Y., Pearson, S., & Arundel, M.K. (2016 June). The Predictability of BSW Admission Criteria. Paper accepted to the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development in Seoul, Korea, June 2016.

Tam, D.M.Y., Streeter, C., Rensink-Dexter, J., Kwok, S.M., & Schindler, J. (2016 June). What is the way out? Models of Assessment on Professional Suitability for Social Work Practice. Paper accepted to the Think Tank Presentation at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Calgary, May 31-June 2, 2016.

Streeter, C., Rensink-Dexter, J., Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., Galbraith, D., & Schindler, J. (2015 May). Debate on Gatekeeping and Assessment of Professional Suitability in Canadian Social Work. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Ottawa, June 1 – 4, 2015.

Kwok, S.M., Tam, D.M.Y., Hanes, R. (2015 June). A Study on Policies and Service Delivery Model for People with Disabilities in China. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Ottawa, June 1 – 4, 2015.

Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2015 June). Examination on Future Directions for Social Work Field Education. Paper presented at the Discovery and Innovation in Social Work Practicum Education International Conference, Hong Kong, May 20-21, 2015.

Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2014, Nov). Social-Behavioral and Emotional Trajectories: Comparison between Racialized and Non-Racialized Canadian Youth. Paper presented at the 2014 National Conference of the Canadian Research Data Centre Network, Winnipeg.

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., Lee, T.Y., Chow, E., Low, A., Chan, Y.C., & Lee, T.K. (2014 July). Validation on the psychometrics of the professional suitability scale with social work students in Hong Kong. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development, Melbourne.

Kwok, S.M.; Tam, D.M.Y., & Brown, A. (2014 July). Social-Behavioral and Emotional Trajectories: Comparison between Racialized Immigrant and Local Born Canadian Youth. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development, Melbourne.

Tam, D.M.Y., Kwok, S.M., Streeter, C., & Rensink-Dexter, J. (2014 June). Examining Gatekeeping and Assessment of Professional Suitability in Canadian Social Work Education. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in St. Catharines, ON.

Kwok, S.M., Tam, D.M.Y., Zhang, X., Su, Q., Li, Y., Ma, L., Schindler, J. (2014 June). Pedagogy of International Social Work: Student Development of Social Work Identify through an Academic Exchange Project. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in St. Catharines, ON.

Tam, D.M.Y. (2013 Nov). Debates on Competency-based Education and Assessment of Professional Suitability for Social Work. Paper presented at the King's University College Faculty Seminar Series in 2013.

Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2013 July). Development of Responsive and Appropriate Justice Responses on Violent Against Women in China. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conferences on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2013 July). Experiences of Chinese Youth Under the Bifurcation of Youth Justice Policy in Canada. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conferences on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

Tam, D.M.Y., Chan, Y.C., Lee, T.Y., Chow, E. Lee, T.K., Kwok, S.M., & Lou, A. (2013 June). Assessing Professional Suitability: Experience Learned from a Cross-Cultural Validation Study. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2013 June). Protective and Risk Factors Promoting or Preventing Healthy Youth Development among Racialized Immigrant Youth. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Tam, D.M.Y. & Kwok S.M. (2012 July). Defining Professional Suitability for Social Work Practice. Paper presented at the 2012 World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Stockholm, Sweden.

Kwok S. M., Tam, D.M.Y., Schleicher, K., & Wu W. (2012 July). Social Work Advocacy Practice on Women Abuse Issues in China. Paper presented at the 2012 World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Stockholm, Sweden.

Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok S. M. (2012 May). Strengthening Existing Gatekeeping Mechanisms for Field Education. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Waterloo, Canada.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2011 Dec). A theoretical model for Chinese youth in conflict with the law in Canada. Paper presented at the Asian Criminological Society 3rd Annual Conference in Taipei, Taiwan.

Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2011 June). Translating theory into practice for specific ethnic groups: A study on the service provision model for Chinese youth in the criminal justice system in Canada. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Fredericton, Canada.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2011 June). Policy practice at the local level: A study of the role of municipalities on redistribution in Ontario. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Fredericton, Canada.

Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2011 April). The role of cultural explanations in integrating theories into practices for Chinese youth in the criminal justice system in Canada. Social Action in Europe: Sustainable Social Development and Economic Challenges, Brussels, Belgium.

Kwok, S.M., & Tam, D.M.Y. (2011 April). The role of municipalities on redistribution in Ontario, Canada: How provincial welfare policy could address poverty at the local level?  Social Action in Europe: Sustainable Social Development and Economic Challenges, Brussels, Belgium.

Tam, D.M.Y., Wu, W., Kwok, S.M., & Huang, D. (2010 June). Provision of Sustainable Formal Social Support for Abused Women in China. Paper presented at the 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: The Agenda. Hong Kong.

Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok S.M. (2010 June). Addressing Response Rate Issues and Representativeness in Social Work Survey Research. Paper presented at the 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: The Agenda. Hong Kong.

Schleicher, K., Tam, D.M.Y., & Kwok, S.M. (2010 June). Culturally Responsive Intervention on Domestic Violence in China. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Conference in Montreal Canada.


  • Teaching Award for Educational Leadership (Individual, Informal Role), University of Calgary (2020)
  • Teaching Excellence Award for Educational Leadership, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary (2019)

Professional/Community Services:

  • Member, Board of the Lethbridge Housing Authority, City of Lethbridge, 2017 - present
  • Member, Accessibility Advisory Committee, City of London, 2015-2016
  • Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Association for Social Work Education, 2010-2013; 2013 – 2016
  • Member, Board of Directors, Children’s Aid Society London and Middlesex, Ontario, 2010- 2013; 2013-2016
  • Member, Board of Directors, Crouch Neighborhood Resource Centre, London, Ontario, 2009-2011; 2011-2013; 2013-2015
  • Vice-President, Board of Directors, Canadian Association for Social Work Education, 2011-2014