Rick Enns

Associate Professor

Edmonton Campus

Research & Scolarship Leave (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025)


University of Alberta


University of Manitoba


University of Manitoba

BA (Double Honours)

University of Manitoba


Canadian Mennonite University

Contact information



Research Activities

Research areas

  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Infant, Children and Adolescents
  • Immigrant, Refugee, Ethno-Cultural, and Racialized Groups

Current Research

Federal Indian education policy, industrial and residential schools in Canada, federal reconciliation strategies, federal Indian treaties in Canada, refugee and immigration policy.


His teaching interests include the history of federal Indian education policy and the development of industrial and residential schools in Canada. His most recent research has examined federal policy following the Second World War, child care standards of the day, the role of social work in the residential school system in Canada, and current reconciliation efforts. In addition, he has examined current issues in refugee and immigrant settlement in Canada, and taught critical perspectives in mental health.


1997-2001: Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Scholarship; University of Alberta 

1989: W.L. Morton Gold Medal; University of Manitoba

1989: M.A. Thesis passed with Distinction; University of Manitoba