Dr. Dorothy Eleanor Badry
Faculty of Social Work, Calgary Campus
Virtual Learning Circle (VLC) Coordinator
Faculty of Social Work
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs
Faculty of Social Work
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-4502
Educational Background
B.S.W. Social Work & Welfare, University of Calgary, 1984
Doctor of Philosophy Educational Studies, University of Calgary, 2008
M.S.W. Social Work & Welfare, University of Calgary, 1986
- Show Us Your Campus Photo Contest, U of C Human Resources, Recognition Steering Committee and Champions Network. 2019
- Peak Scholar Nominee, University of Calgary. 2017
- Premiers Award of Excellence in Education, Premiers Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities. 2016
- Alberta Centre for Child, Family & Community Research Showcase Award at ACCFCR 10th Anniversary, 2013
- Premier's Award of Excellence, 2009
- Aboriginal Kinship Carers and Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Western Australia: Advancing Knowledge from an Indigenous and Disability Lens. . Williams, R. & Badry, D. . First Peoples Child & Family Review.. 60-80. . (2023)
- Strong Born—A First of Its Kind National FASD Prevention Campaign in Australia Led by the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) in Collaboration with the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs). Williams, R., Hayton, S., Campbell, A., Kemp, H., & Badry, D. . International Journal on Environmental Public Health Research. (2024)
- Mothering and Mentoring: The PCAP Women’s Quilt. Rhonda Nelson; Kristin Bonot; Dorothy Eleanor Badry. Demeter Press. 94-114. (2018)
- FASD and Child Welfare.. Badry, D., Dearman, A.H., Choate, P., Marcellus, L., Tortorelli, C., Williams, R. . Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Springer. (2023)
- Disrupted life narratives of children in care with neurodevelopmental disabilities: Whose story is it?. . Tortorelli, C., Choate, P., & Badry, D. Developments in Neuroethics and Bioethics. 121-144. . (2023)
- Ethical and Social Issues in FASD. Tortorelli, C., Badry, D., Choate, P., Bagley, K. . Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Springer. (2023)
- Why suicide prevention support is crucial for people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.. Harding, K., McMorris, C & Badry, D. . The Conversation. (2022)
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