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Siu Ming Kwok


Academic Director

School of Public Policy

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Educational Background

B.S.W. Social Work, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ, 1996

Doctor of Philosophy Social Work, University of Calgary, 2005

M.P.A. Public Administration, University of Western Ontario, 2010

M.S.W. Social Work, University of British Columbia, 1998


The level of a society’s civility reflects on how it treats its marginalized and valuable populations. Professor Kwok’s understanding of social work is a profession that should be the social conscience of the society. It should find ways to address structural inequalities, translate theories to practical knowledge in order to solve day-to-day issues in local communities; and build a strong democracy to promote human rights for generations to come.  With such believes, Professor Kwok insists that a social worker should be trained along three dimensions: research, practice, and teaching.  A social worker should be a researcher to investigate a problem, create knowledge, and provide solutions to improve the well-being of mankind. A social worker should be a practitioner to use practice expertise to serve his/her community. A social worker should be an educator with the obligation to train and pass on social work knowledge to next generation of social workers and let them to continue the mission of social work of making the society a better place to live for our further generations.



  • Graduate Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary. 2018
  • Nomination for Teaching Excellence Award - Professor Rank, University of Calgary. 2019