Feb. 25, 2022
Got 5 minutes? Complete UCalgary Equity Census and count yourself in

There is still time for University of Calgary community members to provide input for the Employee Equity Census and the Student Equity Census. To make transformative change we need data on the composition of our campus community. The two equity censuses were launched in fall 2021, and the deadline has been extended to ensure all employees and students have the opportunity to be counted.
A primary aim of the census is to understand UCalgary’s demographics. It will enable us to create a baseline for change. Responses will be analyzed and support data-informed and evidence-based decision-making.
The university will identify patterns and trends and address any obstacles that impede an individual’s success within UCalgary. We will use this data to create policies, processes and systems that remove barriers that impede the ability of members of the campus community to thrive. The data will also inform campus-wide initiatives to create equitable pathways to and across the campus community.
Take the time to count yourself in. The data collected will be most meaningful when all voices are heard. Responses are anonymous and protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), and personally identifiable information such as UCID numbers are removed. Data is aggregated to identify trends — not individuals — and reported for transparency on the EDI Dashboard. If you have any questions, please visit the FAQ web page or email equity@ucalgary.ca.
For employees
The census is now available online through the MyUCalgary portal and takes minutes to complete. Log in to my.ucalgary.ca, select “All about me,” and the census can be found under “My info.” Make sure to answer each question carefully and to the best of your ability, and ensure you click “Save” to submit your responses. For new employees, access to complete the census is available the day following the creation of their UCID.
For students
The census is now available online at my.ucalgary.ca. The Student Equity Census can be found under the “Miscellaneous” column in the grey box at the bottom of the Student Centre. Make sure to answer each question carefully and to the best of your ability, and ensure you click “Save” to submit your responses. For new students, access to complete the census is available the day following the creation of their UCID. The Student Census closes Feb. 26, 2022.
Since 2010, the Employee Equity Census has been part of UCalgary’s commitment to achieving an equitable, diverse, inclusive and accessible workplace. Progress cannot happen without data and measurement to address any barriers we have that limit equity-deserving groups and any member of our campus community from success within our institution.
The Employee Equity Census allows UCalgary to benchmark its hiring and employment practices against the demographics of the wider local community. In addition, responses to the Student Equity Census provide valuable statistical information that can shape supports and services to improve the student experience.
Find out more about how the census was drafted and how the employee data will be used to make a difference in UCalgary’s employment practices. For more information on the census, contact equity@ucalgary.ca.