MSW Curriculum Plans

Clinical Social Work Practice - Blended/Online
Clinical Practice with Adult Mental Health and Addictions

Thesis-Based, Full-Time, BSW Degree, Spring 2026

  1. Spring 2026

    • SOWK 600  - Social Justice and Theory in Advanced Social Work Practice
  2. Summer 2026

    • SOWK 602 - Research and Philosophy in Advanced Social Work Practice
  3. Fall 2026

    • SOWK 604 - Advanced Practice Theories in Context
    • SOWK 606 - Advanced Policy Practice in Context 
  4. Winter 2027

    • SOWK 630 - Clinical Social Work Practice with Mental Health & Addictions
    • SOWK 631 - Mental Health & Addiction Practice with Transitional Age Populations (18-25)
  1. Spring 2027

    • SOWK 634 - Mental Health & Addiction Practice with Diverse Populations and Complex Contexts
  2. Summer 2027

    • SOWK 635 - Mental Health & Addiction Practice with Adult Populations (26-65)
  3. Fall 2027

    • SOWK 670 - Advanced Methods and Epistemology in Social Work Research
  4. Winter 2028

    • SOWK 672 - Thesis Research Development
  1. Spring 2028

    • Thesis
  2. Summer 2028

    • Thesis
  3. Fall 2028

    • Thesis
    • (OPTIONAL) SOWK 660A - Advanced Practicum
  4. Winter 2029

    • Thesis
    • (OPTIONAL) SOWK 660B - Advanced Practicum