Graduate Course Outlines

Course Outlines - PhD

SOWK 741 S01 Research Foundations - Jackie Sieppert
SOWK 747 S01  Research Methods II: Qualitative - Yahya El-Lahib

SOWK 721 S01 Integrative Research Colloquia Blended - Julie Drolet & Christine Walsh

Winter 2023
SOWK 721 S01 Integrative Research Colloquia - Angelique Jenney & Kathy Sitter Calgary
SOWK 743 S01 Values, Ethics & Professional Beliefs - Anne-Marie McLaughlin & Heather Boynton Edmonton
SOWK 745 S01 Research Methods: Quantitative - Rick Enns Edmonton

Fall 2022
SOWK 741 S01 Research Foundations - Janki Shankar Online
SOWK 747 S01 Research Methods II: Qualitative - Julie Drolet and David Nicholas Edmonton

Winter 2022
SOWK 743 S01 Values, Ethics & Professional Beliefs Online Dorothy Badry
SOWK 745 S01 Research Methods: Quantitative Online Rick Enns

Fall 2021
SOWK 741 S01 Research Foundations - Christine Walsh
SOWK 747 S01 Research Methods II: Qualitative - Kathy Sitter

Winter 2021
SOWK 721 S01 Integrative Research Colloquia Online/Edmonton Julie Drolet/Christine Walsh
SOWK 743 S01 Values, Ethics & Professional Beliefs: Theory, History and Philosophy Online/Calgary Dorothy Badry/Yahya El-Lahib
SOWK 745 S01 Research Methods I: Quantitative Online/Calgary Yeonjung Lee

Fall 2020
SOWK 741 S01 Research Foundations Online Christine Walsh
SOWK 747 S01 Research Methods II: Qualitative Online Kathy Sitter

Winter 2020
SOWK 721 S01 Integrative Research Colloquia Christine Walsh
SOWK 745 S01 Research Methods I: Quantitative Rick Enns
SOWK 747 S01 Research Methods II: Qualitative Ralph Bodor