Ralph Bodor

Associate Professor Emeritus



University of Calgary


University of Calgary


University of Calgary

Contact information

Research Activities

Research areas

  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Infant, Children and Adolescents

Research Projects

  • Bodor, R. (PI). Searching the Spaces. (A sub-project of the Making our Hearts Sing Project; Health Canada, CECW and CWLC; 2005-2006).
  • Bodor, R. (PI). Caring for the Caregivers: Stories. (The Salvation Army; 2005-2006).
  • Bodor, R. (PI). Bringing the Kids Home. (Saddle Lake First Nations Child Welfare Edmonton Children' s Services Youth Strategies Saddle Lake Boys and Girls Club Blue Quills First Nations College;; 2005-2006).
  • Bodor, R. (Co-PI). Learning Through Knowledge-Aboriginal Program Evaluation of First Nations Language Program. (The City of Calgary;; 2005-2006).


Ralph Bodor focuses his research on Dual/Multiple Relationships in Rural and Remote Practice. He has sessional teaching experience with the University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work and has recently conducted research for Health Canada in the Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, and northern Alberta. Dr. Bodor has considerable experience with adolescents through his work as a clinician at Wood’s Homes, his development of a rural Early Intervention Program for young offenders, and his involvement as a Steering Committee Member for the development of a regional Service Plan for childrens’ services in Region 5. He has also served as acting director of the Wheatland Crisis Shelter in Strathmore, and maintains a private rural family practice. All of this social work activity follows ten years in the oil drilling business and farming in rural Alberta. As an Access Team member based in Edmonton, Dr. Bodor has primary responsibility for the BSW Access activities in northeast Alberta.