Sally St. George



PhD in Human Development and Family Studies with a Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy

Iowa State University, 1994

MS, Counselor Education

Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, USA, 1987

MS, Reading Education

State University of New York at Oswego, USA, 1980

BS, Major: Secondary Education, Concentration: Mathematics

State University of New York at Oswego, USA, 1973

Contact information

Research Activities

Research areas

  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Research Methods
  • Practice Approaches
  • Health, Mental Health and Wellness
  • Human Service Organizations and Systems

Research and Teaching Activity

Sally main areas of teaching are

(1) in the clinical practice realm and for years she has engaged students in experiential learning to become exemplary practitioners, and

(2) supervising students in planning and conducting creative and relevant qualitative inquiry.

Current Research

Sally’s current clinical research focuses on working with families to help them live their preferred lives and her current educational research is focused on "Transforming the Field Education Landscape: Intersections of Research and Practice in Canadian Social Work Field Education" as a co-Investigator on a SSHRC Partnership Grant with Dr. Julie Drolet.


Sally St. George is a Professor and Director of the Couple and Family Therapy Program, and a Family Therapist and Clinical Supervisor at the Calgary Family Therapy Centre. Practicing marriage and family therapy for the last 30 years, she is dedicated to creating and utilizing social constructionist principles in her teaching and clinical practice. Sally serves on the Boards of Directors for the Taos Institute and Global Partnership for Transformative Social Work. She is also a Senior Editor of The Qualitative Report, an open-access online interdisciplinary journal which is committed to creating a learning community of writers and reviewers to present solid, interesting, and novel works of qualitative inquiry.

Sally and her husband/colleague, Dan Wulff, have developed an approach to practitioner research called Research As Daily Practice and have lead numerous projects merging research and practice to learn more effective ways to help clients. She presents locally and globally on practicing clinical social work and family therapy, as well as conducting qualitative research.



St. George, S., & Wulff, D. (Eds.). (2016). Family therapy as socially transformative practice: Practical strategies (AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy). New York, NY: Springer International.

Book Chapters

Wulff, D., & St. George, S. (2018). “Social justice” as relational talk. In C. Audet & D. Paré (Eds.), Social justice and counseling: Discourse in practice (pp. 111-123). New York, NY: Routledge.

St. George, S., & Wulff, D. (2017). Reflecting team in couple and family therapy. In J. L. Lebow et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of couple and family therapy (Electronic). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_324-1

St. George, S., & Wulff, D. (2017). Research As Daily Practice. In J. L. Lebow et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of couple and family therapy (Electronic). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_890-1

St. George, S., & Wulff, D. (2016). Family Therapy + Social Justice + Daily Practices = Transforming Therapy. In S. St. George & D. Wulff (Eds.), Family therapy as socially transformative practice: Practical strategies (AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy) (pp. 1-7). New York, NY: Springer International.

St. George, S., & Wulff, D. (2016). Community-minded family therapy. In S. St. George & D. Wulff (Eds.), Family therapy as socially transformative practice: Practical strategies (AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy) (pp. 9-24). New York, NY: Springer International.

Wulff, D., & St. George, S. (2016). Researcher as practitioner: Practitioner as researcher. In S. St. George & D. Wulff (Eds.), Family therapy as socially transformative practice: Practical strategies (AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy) (pp. 25-40). New York, NY: Springer International.

St. George, S., Wulff, D., Chenail, R., Snyder, L. J., Ashbourne, L. M., Gosnell, F., & McIntosh, S. (2016). Family therapy stories: Stretching customary family therapy practices. In S. St. George & D. Wulff (Eds.), Family therapy as socially transformative practice: Practical strategies (AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy) (pp. 85-98). New York, NY: Springer International.

Refereed Journal Articles

Gaete, J., Sametband, I., St. George, S., Wulff, D., Tomm, K., & Durán, G. (2018, December 15). Realizing relational preferences through transforming interpersonal patterns. Family Process (Early view). Available:

St. George, S., Wulff, D., & Tomm, K. (2015). Research as daily practice: Introduction to the special section. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 34(2), 1-2.

St. George, S., Wulff, D., & Tomm, K. (2015). Research as daily practice. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 34(2), 3-14.

St. George, S., Wulff, D., & Tomm, K. (2015). Talking societal discourse into family therapy: A situational analysis of the relationships between societal expectations and parent-child conflict. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 34(2), 15-30.

Wulff, D., St. George, S., & Tomm, K. (2015). Societal discourses that help in family therapy: A modified situational analysis of the relationships between societal expectation and healing patterns in parent-child conflict. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 34(2), 31-44.

Wulff, D., St. George, S., Tomm, K., Doyle, E., & Sesma, M. (2015). Unpacking the PIPs to HIPs curiosity: A narrative study. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 34(2), 45-58.

Strong, T., St. George, S., Wulff, D., Mudry, T., & Sametband, I. (2015). Differences over dollars and sense: Discourses involving money in family therapy. Human Systems: The Journal of Therapy, Consultation & Training, 26(1), 66-85.


  • Faculty of Social Work Graduate Supervising Excellence Award
  • Faculty of Social Work Graduate Teaching Excellence Award
  • University of Calgary Teaching Award for Full-Time Academic Staff (Professor)