Trauma-Informed Practice, Clinical Social Work Practice Specialization

Trauma-Informed Practice

Clinical Social Work Practice Specialization

Working with traumatized individuals, families, and communities, trauma-informed care provides a critical lens for clinical social work. As most persons encounter traumatic experiences at some point in their lives, recognition of the impact of trauma is central to professional practice.

Our goal is to prepare practitioners to recognize the impacts of trauma in various contexts and provide appropriate social work interventions and supports.

Critical components of professional practice often include vicarious traumatization and secondary traumatic stress, thus our aim is to provide relevant content and activities in self-awareness and self-care.

This should change the way you think about your practice...

Understanding trauma is absolutely fundamental. Over the years I've found that even for people who've been in the field for a long time — they might know what trauma looks like, but they did not know what to do about it. They don't know how to intervene and they don't know how to talk about it.

Dr. Angelique Jenney, PhD

Wood's Homes Chair in Children's Mental Health, Instructor for Trauma-Informed Practice


Fundamentals of Trauma-Informed Practice

Provides a review and in-depth exploration of the range of traumatic experiences and their individual, familial, group and community consequences.

The course considers differing experiences of trauma from acute to complex trauma and explores differences between traumatic stress, acute stress reactions, and PTSD.

Trauma Impacts and Interventions Across the Life Span

Provides an in-depth exploration of traumatic experiences at various points in an individual’s life span, and the implications for future growth and development.

Advanced Trauma-Informed Practice with Indigenous People and Communities

Focuses on the nature of historical, multigenerational, and contemporary dynamics that impact Indigenous people through an examination of the traumatic experiences of colonization, residential schools, and rampant child welfare apprehensions, cultural suppression, and discrimination.

The course provides a lens that tailors assessments and interventions that are culturally sensitive and appropriate.

Advanced Trauma Interventions in Diverse Contexts

Focuses on the nature, impact, and specific intervention strategies for trauma-informed best practices applicable in diverse contexts such as working in high risk occupations, or with immigrants and refugees, vulnerable persons who are homeless including youth and victims of domestic violence, as well as trauma impacts and responses in communities affected by a disaster.